36 month plan for The Dev Pirate Princess, Queen Raae and Captain Ola goes on a LOOONG trip on the ship to get a ....

36 month plan

36 month plan for The pirate princess, Queen Raae and Captain Ola goes on a LOOONG trip on the ship to get … LOOT!


  1. Membership ⛵ site

  2. POW! 🔥

  3. Go Live packages 📺

  4. Membership ⛵ site

What: Who:

  • Devs who go live and
  • Devs who does marketing

What For: Communinty to get to know other devs doing similiar stuff in a similar way, exclusive

  1. POW! 🔥

What: A Crowd Funding Campaign where people can time, treasure and talent Who:

  • Devs who What For:
  • Inspo on making contnent
  1. Go Live packages 📺

What: Who: What For:

  • We do all the boring parts of making contnent more alive

!(36 month plan for The pirate princess, Queen Raae and Captain Ola goes on a LOOONG trip on the ship to get … LOOT!)[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GH-dpFQXgAAmu1O?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]